The safe and efficient operation of autonomous microreactors for remote off-grid applications depends on the performance of critical sensors, processes, and components within the self-contained system. This project will develop on-line monitoring technologies that will improve the safety and economy of microreactors and support other advanced nuclear energy applications.
Research and Development
On-line Monitoring System to Support Autonomous Remote Microreactor Operations
Development of Cable Insulation Materials for Small Modular Reactors
Many of the advanced reactors currently under development worldwide feature environmental conditions substantially harsher than current reactor designs. This project aims to address the need for more durable I&C cable insulation materials that are capable of withstanding these challenging environments and performing their intended function.
Optimization of Calibration Intervals of Nuclear Plant Pressure Transmitters
AMS recently received approval from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for its online monitoring (OLM) technology that can be used to determine if and when a pressure, level, or flow transmitter needs to be checked for calibration. Implementing this OLM technology at a nuclear power plant can save over 90% of its transmitter calibration load, significantly reducing the plant’s outage time and maintenance costs. However, each plant must receive additional NRC approval through a License Amendment Request (LAR) before implementing the technology, which can take up to two years. This project aims to prepare a Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) document that will help streamline this process, reducing the LAR preparation effort by nearly 75% and the NRC review time by almost 90%.