The AMS Time Events Analyzer (TEA) System is a prime example of AMS capabilities for custom data acquisition. A nuclear power plant had an old, antiquated, time event paper recorder that was used for performing an emergency safeguards sequencer response time test. The legacy plant system was unsupported by the manufacturer and was a potential single point vulnerability during outages. AMS was able to replicate the functionality of the system using upgraded, modern hardware and provided software to automate the data collection and analysis, greatly reducing system complexity and providing substantial time savings during the outage.
Custom Data Acquisition Platforms
AMS Provides the Nuclear Industry with custom data acquisition equipment to satisfy surveillance requirements, replace obsolete monitoring systems, and provide enhanced diagnostic data to support long term operation. AMS functions as a system integrator, using our expertise in hardware and software development, electrical engineering, and instrumentation & control systems to develop custom data acquisition systems to meet the need of any facility.
Time Events Analyzer (TEA) System
AMS recognizes the needs of the nuclear industry and other facilities to upgrade and replace aging and obsolete equipment before it becomes an operability issue. AMS is uniquely suited to address these problems through our over 40 years of company experience, expert engineers, and extensive background in systems and software development. For more information on custom data acquisition equipment for your facility, please contact us.